Sunday, August 24, 2008


This morning as we were getting ready for church, Gabriel came in to my room to inform me his church socks were too small. I told him to find another pair but they had to be tan, blue or black. He then informed me that they were all too small and that he wanted to wear his white socks. I told him no and that we don't wear white socks to church. His response: Why not, mom, white is a spiritual color. be inside that kid's brain.


DA pages said...

Man, to be a kid again! It seems like when we were kids we could almost get away with anything as long as we acted cute about it!

Danielle Sue said...

I have told this story to so many people! I love it and it makes me miss you guys very much!

The Stevens said...

I found your blog through Emily's and I am so excited!!! Not only to read about your family but to find out you are expecting!!! I am so happy for you guys and you look so beautiful!

camille said...

Sarah, - hope everything is still good. you have not updated your blog and it is definately due for an update. lol hope all is well.